Sunday, January 22, 2012

MP slams DBKL over lack of transparency

Written by  Douglas Tan, Malaysia Chronicle
Saturday 21st January 2012

MP slams DBKL over lack of transparency
Segambut Member of Parliament Lim Lip Eng today slammed DBKL over the lack of transparency by their refusal to reveal the details of the recently approved RM2.3 billion DBKL Budget for 2012.
At an open consultation meeting on Thursday 19th January, with the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad bin Ismail, the mayor informed YB Lim that he was unable to provide a detailed copy of the budget, and that only a “ringkas” (summary) was available. When asked as to why the full budget could not be made available to the public, the mayor remained silent and refused to give an answer.
“This is outrageous,” Lim exclaimed. “Why are DBKL unable to provide us with a detailed copy of the budget? As wakil rakyat, we have the responsibility to report back to our constituencies as to how the money is being spent!”
Where is the People First?
The DAP MP was quick to point out that this went against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s pledge to ensure greater transparency and accountability, consistent with the principle of “Rakyat Didahulukan”.
“Even in parliament, we are given a full copy of the national budget before it is debated,” he said. “How come we are unable to get a copy of the DBKL budget, especially after it has been approved?”
YB Lim lamented that although he was a member of parliament in Kuala Lumpur, DBKL is accountable only to the Prime Minister’s department, and is not answerable to elected representatives. “It insults the intelligence of the people of Kuala Lumpur when a local government refuses to disclose how they want to spend the taxpayer’s money, especially as they are appointed not elected. I call on the Prime Minister to show his sincerity for reforms by forcing DBKL to release their full budget to the public.”
A check on the DBKL website on Saturday 21st January showed that no details of the 2012 budget were available. The 2012 DBKL budget is almost 44% larger than the entire budget of the state of Selangor which is RM1.6 billion.
Malaysia Chronicle

Friday, January 13, 2012

Jangan biar Umno sampai jadi macam DAP

By Helen Ang
Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan kelompok Dilema Melayu asyik merintih yang kaum Melayu kononnya “tidak bersatu”.
Namun lihat dahulu pada kesan perpaduan kaum Cina sebelum Melayu mahu mengejar cita-cita menyatukan bangsa.
Di kalangan pemilih Cina sudah tidak ada semak dan imbang. Masyarakat Cina sekarang seia-sekata, sehati sejiwa dengan DAP. Hari-hari MCA dan Gerakan dibalun.
Pemilih Cina juga begitu ghairah menyambut tamat hayat MCA yang diramal mereka pasti lingkup tidak lama lagi.
Gerakan pula menunggu pupus.
Parti majoriti Cina SUPP di Sarawak kalah teruk manakala DAP menang besar dalam pilihanraya negeri pada bulan April lalu.
Nasib yang menimpa parti-parti BN berkeahlian Cina adalah ekoran kaum Cina bersatu memberi sokongan padu kepada DAP.
Yang paling lantang mengutuk MCA dan Gerakan ialah golongan Cina sendiri.
Dan yang paling kuat menyepak terajang MCA ialah Cina Kristian.
Contohnya ambil nukilan seorang ahli DAP bernama Douglas Tan – bergambar dengan Lim Guan Eng (screenshot atas).
Rencana Douglas di serata alam siber:

Pembaca 'GEMBIRA' dengan semangat sedia bertempur DAP
Dalam ‘Pumped-up DAP ready for combat‘ di FMT hari ini, Douglas menyingkap perhimpunan agung partinya yang berlangsung Ahad lepas.
Dia menggambarkan betapa acara tahunan DAP itu berjalan dengan rancak sekali (“massive surge of positive energy”) di dalam sebuah dewan yang berkumandang dengan “a huge amount of optimism” — maksudnya DAP berkeyakinan penuh bahawa masa depan parti amat cerah.
Barangkali ada pun di antara pemimpin evangelis DAP yang sudah berangan-angan jadi Pak Menteri.
Dalam rencananya, Douglas menulis bahawa DAP dan rakan-rakan Pakatan menjangka akan menang 9 negeri dan membentuk kerajaan persekutuan selepas pilihan raya umum nanti.
“DAP members are beginning to accept the idea of Anwar becoming the next prime minister as they are now, more than ever, determined to remove the Barisan Nasional regime from Putrajaya,” ulas Douglas dalam kolum FMTnya.
“Perhaps the highlight of the event was the speech delivered by secretary-general Lim Guan Eng. In the most pumped-up speech I have seen him give thus far, he outlined the party policy as well as the goals come the general election.”
Selain memetik ucapan Guan Eng yang berkobar-kobar tentang pencapaian Pulau Pinang – negeri contoh yang “lebih bersih, lebih hijau dan lebih selamat” daripada jiran-jirannya – Douglas juga memuji setiausaha-agung DAP itu yang didakwanya tidak menyerang lawan (bukan seperti perangai si Umno).
Guan Eng bersifat “tactful and gracious”, tulis Douglas.
Guan Eng berhemah dan mengelak daripada membuat serangan terhadap mana-mana parti komponen BN ataupun memfitnah lawan,” tambahnya lagi.
Membandingkan gelagat perwakilan Umno yang bersifat negatif dengan pemimpin DAP yang berintegriti, Douglas berkata sidang yang disaksikannya “is in stark contrast to the Umno general assembly which had effectively turned into an anti-DAP mud-slinging rally”.
Unjuran bagi orang pro-Umno
Hasil daripada perpaduan orang Cina ialah ‘manufactured consensus’, iaitu Cina kian sebulat suara menentang BN.
Untuk mengekalkan middle ground (moderat di tengah), hendaklah ada suara Cina menyemak dan mengimbangi suara Cina. Namun ini tidak lagi dimungkinkan kerana masyarakat Cina yang bersatupadu bersama DAP tidak membenarkan suara sumbang kedengaran tentang parti itu.
Mereka juga bersikap pilih kasih, yakni gerombolan Malaysian First tidak boleh disalahkan walau apa jua mereka buat.
Pembaca pasti kenal bagaimana nada komentar Cina di media alternatif. Tengok sahaja bagaimana masyarakat Cina sepakat menggusari sesiapa yang mengkritik DAP. Orang Cina yang anti-DAP dituduh pengkhianat bangsa.
The Chinese love winners.
Oleh kerana winning streak yang kini dikecapi DAP, ahli-ahli MCA peringkat bawahan sudah mula keluar parti.
Kalau Chua Soi Lek benar-benar mengotakan janji supaya partinya tidak menerima apa-apa jawatan kerajaan andaikata MCA gagal meraih undi Cina, maka sokongan terhadap MCA akan lagi merudum pasca-PRU13.
Berpalinglah ahli-ahli peniagaan Cina semua kepada DAP sepertimana yang sedang para pemaju hartanah lakukan di Pulau Pinang.
Tinjauan scenario orang Melayu
Pada masa ini, saya tidak nampak orang Melayu begitu taksub kepada Najib Razak. Sekiranya kaum Melayu mengikut arus kaum 1Cina, tidak mustahil ketua Umno akan dipuja orang Melayu sepertimana Guan Eng disembah masyarakat Cina.
Kesetiaan kebanyakan orang Cina sudah tidak berbelah bahagi. Jelas tertumpu kepada DAP.
Penulis-penulis dan blogger-blogger Cina pantang mengkritik DAP kecuali seorang dua yang berada di Star dan itupun kritikan lembut.
Penulis-penulis dan blogger-blogger Melayu mungkin pantang mengkritik Umno kelak sekiranya kaum Melayu bersatu di bawah satu payung.
DAP dikuasai puak evangelis. Adakah nanti Umno akan tunduk kepada kelompok lebai (seperti pernah Pak Sheikh dijulang) jika Melayu PAS bersatu dengan Melayu Umno?
Dalam sistem dua parti di Amerika Syarikat dan di Britain, orang putih bukannya bersatu dalam satu parti untuk menentang orang kulit hitam dan orang keturunan Asia dalam parti yang satu lagi. Masih orang putih parti Republican melawan orang putih parti Democrat; orang putih parti Tory-Liberal menentang orang putih parti Buruh.
Demokrasi lebih subur dengan adanya semak dan imbang.
Pengajaran sejarah menunjukkan yang gila bersatu atas nama bangsa ialah Nazi dan orang Jepun zaman Perang Dunia II.

Monday, January 9, 2012

DAP National Convention: A Positive Start

There is nothing better than starting the week, and 2012, with a massive surge of positive energy. The DAP National convention on Sunday in Shah Alam was certainly a focal point, and the delegates and leaders alike approached the gathering with hope, excitement and great expectation. Those in attendance who came in with open hearts and ears did not leave disappointed.

A Bang of a Convention

The convention kicked off with veteran DAP Chairman Karpal Singh prophetically declaring that he had no doubt in his mind that Anwar would be acquitted. Many of us hope the second part of his prophecy would come to pass as well, which is that he would become Prime Minister.

With an attendance exceeding 1000 branch representatives and observers, the entire hall exuded a huge amount of optimism and expectation. The VIP list included the likes of the Mentri Besar of Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, PAS Vice President Mat Sabu, PKR Vice President Azmin Ali and PSM President Dr Nasir Hashim. What was more remarkable was the presence of the ambassadors of the French and New Zealand High Commissioners as well as ambassadors from the Singapore, Australian and Japanese Embassies, clearly this was an event to watch!

Despite being wheelchair bound and clearly battle scared, Karpal Singh's message was not lacking in fire or zeal. The DAP is now in the position, in partnership with Pakatan Rakyat to sweep 9 states and Putrajaya at the next general election. He spoke of closing ranks, effective for burying the 'warlord-godfather' hatchet.

He went to great lengths to persuade the delegation present that Anwar is indeed a man of substance. Although, the applause in response to these comments were less than enthusiastic, one could feel that attitudes towards the embattled opposition leader are indeed improving. DAP members are beginning to accept the idea of Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister as they are now, more than ever, determined to rid the Barisan Nasional regime from Putrajaya.

A Veteran's Dream

Former Party Chairman and current DAP Party Adviser Dr Chen Man Hin took the microphone and emphatically reminded that he was still around and not dead! Indeed, this is a legend of a man, who was one of the pioneers of the party along with Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang. Another war-torn warrior, he echoed the message of hope to all present.

His dream along with the other leaders of the party is for Malaysia to be a democratic, fair and equal society. Today, he believes that this dream is coming closer and closer to being realised. "Our might is because we believe," he proclaimed to cheers from the delegates. Indeed it is this belief, hope and dream that the party clings tightly on to.

A candid reminder was addressed to the members that the DAP was a party which had a heart for the people and wanted to serve. "If you want to become a minister, don't join the DAP. If you want to serve the people, then we call you one of us!" It is the fervent hope that the DAP would maintain the party's integrity and commitment to the service of the people.

With an inspiring flourish, he concluded by calling on members not to fear anything in pursuit of the final goal. "Do not worry anti-DAP elements. Stick to our principles and we shall win!"

The Epic Keynote

Perhaps the highlight of the event was the speech delivered by Party Secretary General Lim Guan Eng. In the most pumped up speech I have seen him give to date, he outlined the party policy as well as the goals of the party come the general election.

After acknowledging delegates from ever corner of Malaysia, he proceeded to attack the issues one at a time. Never lacking in energy or zeal, Lim Guan Eng preached that the success of the DAP government in Penang was due to the uncompromising commitment to moderation and peace. As a result, Penang is cleaner, greener and safer than any other state in Malaysia. With this already having been achieved Penang, it is now the mission of the party to made all other states cleaner, greener and safer.

The DAP, along with PKR and PAS, is firmly committed to the vision of a country which the government is free of corruption and progressive. He reiterated to achieve this, Pakatan Rakyat cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of Barisan Nasional, and the values of integrity and incorruptibility must be exemplified by the leaders.

Pointing out the issue of inflation, rising costs and money lost due to misappropriation, Lim Guan Eng declared that this would be what the party would concentrate on during the run up to the general election. This is in order to realise the Malaysian dream in which we cannot be "a police state but a policy state". The DAP is committed to a minimum wage which would be adjusted as according to the rate of inflation, and promises to abolish the toll on the North South Highway.

The battle lines was drawn out in Sabah and Sarawak, where PR would have to gain 19 seats in order to win over Putrajaya. With party unity, this goal is certainly attainable. Concluding by saying "Let us dare to dream the Malaysian Dream", each delegate present was filled with the renewed hope that after 46 years of struggle, the impossible would become a reality.

Despite the clear references to the BN government, the Party Secretary-General was tactful and gracious, avoiding any direct attacks or slander of any BN component party. This is in stark contrast to the UMNO General Assembly which had effectively turned into an anti-DAP mud slinging rally. It is remarkable that by concentrating on tackling core issues and avoiding negativity, the leaders of the party had maintained their stance and integrity.

Bersihkan Malaysia

With the acquittal of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the celebrations rage on. With the celebrations it is a renewed hope, and a renewed optimism.

Although it is clear that many, including Anwar himself, was expecting him to be heading back to Kamunting, the jubilation of the supporters would create waves of positive momentum for the opposition parties now that this farce of a trial is done and over with. The show of solidarity was indeed there, with PAS and DAP leaders standing alongside the opposition leader.

However, now the real work starts for Pakatan Rakyat. Indeed, putting Anwar in jail would have been political suicide for Prime Minister Najib and his government. If they had made him a martyr, it would have polarised support for the Opposition by arousing public sentiment. At least by acquitting him, the government can now claim that the judiciary is independent and that the reforms placed by the Prime Minister are actually bearing fruit.

Now the playing field has again been levelled. However, PR has to stick to their guns, get their noses to the grindstone and work hard in order to sway a fickle population. Issues such as massive corruption, graft, incompetence, media suppression and racially divisive policies have to be the fodder for PR.

A warning to BN would be in the words of Shakespeare: "A swallow does not a summer make". Just because Anwar was acquitted does not mean that all is well in the nation. Nevertheless, PR has their work cut out for them by convincing the public that they are the required and promised change the nation needs.

As PR no longer has a martyr to glorify, this would now turn into sword to sword combat. As for the DAP, we are ready.

Published exclusively for Free Malaysia Today (